Knowledge is something that pervades the world. It must be sought. It is to be discovered and added. So are we. We also seek knowledge. That’s for you. We will add them. It’s for you too. We will present you those knowledge with the right preparation. We are happy to do so.
?? unusuma.lk We are a team. We provide various articles on various topics. We intend to give you a variety of knowledge that feels important to your life.
Why this terms.?
We offer these terms for the protection of us who submit the articles and you who read them. We may change these Terms at any time, and we reserve the right to do so.
To whom this terms.?
These terms apply to all visitors to our website. This means that if anyone reads any of the articles we publish, browses our website, uses the content in any way, or uses the content for other purposes, all of these terms will apply for them.
(Please note that these terms and conditions do not apply to articles published under the following headings on our website.That is
1. Local (Sri Lankan) or foreign news
2. Local and foreign current events
3. All other current information and events )
First of all, we would be very happy if someone, from somewhere, reads our articles or adds knowledge to life from those facts.Therefore, we welcome all who visit our website.
But the attitudes of the people of the world are diverse, and the legal systems of many countries are different. So we kindly offer you these terms.
About our content.
However, we do not take responsibility for what we present to you. There are owners of some knowledge in the world. That knowledge belongs to them. We understand that very well.
Therefore, we do not wish to present the information or content of others. If someone or any entity authorizes the use of its content by others, we may include such information or content with some restriction, permission, or important parts of our site.
However, we do not publish content unauthorized or illegal for any reason. Anyone can inform us if that has happened. If it is found to be the case, we will immediately remove such information or content from our site.
How to use our Content.
All our content is free to you. You can use them freely. However, they may be republished or used for commercial purposes only with our permission.
If you use our content for various media, you are responsible for it. If that information contains any problematic content or is contrary to the legal systems of a particular country or region or could cause any crisis in society, you have all responsibility for the use of such material or content.
However, you can use our content in your own media or on websites or elsewhere if you wish. If it is being used for commercial purposes, you must state our right to it. Otherwise it must be done with our permission.
In short, you can freely use our content for any purpose other than commercial purposes. You may use it for commercial purposes if our copyright is mentioned. But if you do, you have all the responsibilities. We are not responsible for that.
Things you should never do.
( “you” mean everyone who uses our site in some way.“Things” means using the content of our website. )
1. Do not use all content on the Website for various anti-social activities.
2. Do not use all content on the Website to offend or insult anyone of any religion or ethnicity.
3. The publication of our content on various anti-social, pornographic, political, child abuse, drug, or any such media or the use of links to our Website, or the citation of our Website as sources, or any other information about us It should not be mentioned in such a medium in any way.
4. Do not use our website name or our content for any fraud or other fraudulent use of our content.